Nice to meet you

I'm Valentina

and I’m searching for my next opportunity to create meaningful impact through stunning visual designs.

This is a hidden message!

3M, Cisco, Syngenta, Oracle have been my clients in the past.
Check out what I made for them

Graphic commercial pieces

Bancrecer is a Venezuela based bank that was urgently in need of a re-design. Check out my solution for them

Case Study:

HT Technological Solutions is a cloud hosting company in need of website with structure. Check out how we resolved this issue.

Case Study:
HT Solutions

Unify is a networking platform that connects professionals to each other and their goals. This project is still underconstruction. 👷‍♂️🔨🏗️ Coming soon!

Case Study:
Unify App

And that’s only a tiny bit of what I can do ;)

These are only some selected projects I’ve done. See more here